ceremonial tea set on wooden surface

Matcha Green Tea Shake

*** FYI:  I’ve created a dedicated website just for tea:  http://thisweekintea.com ***

Here is my recipe for a kick ass Match Green Tea Shake.  This will make a little more than 1 serving.  This will give you a really good start to any morning.  “Healthy” calories and a great boost from the green tea.  Plus it’s ULTRA easy to prepare.

Total calories approximately 283-300 calories. If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to use this as a meal replacement.

1 – 6oz container of vanilla yogurt. = 110 Calories
I use Yoplait; however any yogurt with active cultures/L Acidophilus is great.

1 – 6oz serving of slim milk. = 68 Calories
I just use the empty yogurt container to measure out the milk. Easy.

1 – Medium banana. = 105 Calories
You can use any fruit you like… I like bananas because of the potassium, etc… But blueberries ROCK also.

1 – 1/4 tsp of good quality Matcha Green tea powder. = Trace calories
I typically use 1-3 1/4 tsp scoops of Matcha; however, I really like green tea.
Soooo, you’ll need to start with 1 1/4 tsp— and add to taste.  You can find this tea at http://www.teavana.com

1 – Good handful of cubed ice. = No calories.
You may want to use more of less… The ice is just for coldness and consistency.

1 – Tablespoon of Agave Nectar = 60 Calories OPTIONAL
You can find this at any Whole Foods… Great substitute for sugar or Splenda.

Blend for about 45 seconds—until well blended. Enjoy.   Also, if you want a little extra “umph” into this concoction, try adding about 6oz of Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries cereal.  I’ll update this post with new calorie counts shortly.  However, if you do this, I would recommend that this drink become more of a meal replacement.  Still, a very healthy start to a day.

*** UPDATE: You can find this and more at http://www.thisweekintea.com


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Author: wsellers
Data Center engineer, Tech addict, #Podcaster, #Photographer, #VMware, #Veeam, #Cohesity, #Apple, #Tesla Fan, #FSDBeta. #BassPlayer, #HamRadioOperator, #GenX

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