photo of fireworks

2011 New Year’s Resolutions

Here are my top 11 new year’s resolutions for 2011:

1.  Get back into podcasting/blogging.
2.  Loose the rest of my weight — and go streaking, EVEN if it’s winter-time!
3.  Finish a 100 Mile Century cycling ride. (and ride my bike more…)
4.   Drink more water —- drink more tea (hot).
5.   Engage in more charitable fundraising (locally, nationally, and globally)
6.   Create an iPhone app.
7.  Travel more (more trips to San Fran, maybe Europe or Asia)
8.  Do more Yoga and meditation
9.   Pick up playing bass/guitar again (play live with others) –See more live music.
10.   Learn now to bonsai (tree)
11.  Connect with friends and family more.

Have a great 2011!

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Author: wsellers
Data Center engineer, Tech addict, #Podcaster, #Photographer, #VMware, #Veeam, #Cohesity, #Apple, #Tesla Fan, #FSDBeta. #BassPlayer, #HamRadioOperator, #GenX

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