Millie Sellers-Boudreau – 9/22/1936 – 09/29/2022

We lost mom on September 29th, 2022… She had been struggling with dementia for the last couple of years. Her memories are a blessing to all those who knew her. My mom once told me that death is just a part of life—-and that she never wanted sad faces at her funeral. I wanted to take a minute to share some of the positive things that we shared on the day of her funeral. We sent her off right with Mariachi JaliscoJP Porier read the eulogy at mom’s house afterwards.

LaFond-Ardoin Obituary:
About Millie-Sellers-Boudreau:

“Cielito Lindo” performed by Mariachi Jalisco

“My Way” performed by Mariachi Jalisco

“Unknown Song” performed by Mariachi Jalisco

“Eulogy” by JP Porier

Author photo
Publication date:
Author: wsellers
Data Center engineer, Tech addict, #Podcaster, #Photographer, #VMware, #Veeam, #Cohesity, #Apple, #Tesla Fan, #FSDBeta. #BassPlayer, #HamRadioOperator, #GenX

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