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Review of Sherlock Holmes = “B-“

Last night, I saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie, starring Robert Downey, Jr, Jude Law, and Rachel McAdams. Although I found the movie very entertaining, I can only give it a “B-“. — I think all of the acting was fine; but, the movie dragged on in some places. I actually found myself dozing off once….. However, this could have been the sushi/sake I had prior to the movie. 🙂

Unlike Ironman, this movie didn’t have me leaving the theater excited about the sequel. And yes, it looks like there will definitely be a Sherlock Holmes 2.

It’s not a bad movie— I just won’t be seeing it a second time at the theater anytime soon. And, I probably won’t be buying it on DVD/download right when it comes out.

Again, not a bad movie. RDJ is great.

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Author: wsellers
Data Center engineer, Tech addict, #Podcaster, #Photographer, #VMware, #Veeam, #Cohesity, #Apple, #Tesla Fan, #FSDBeta. #BassPlayer, #HamRadioOperator, #GenX

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